Auto insurance provides protection from financial loss in the event of an accident or theft. It is a contract between you and your insurance company, wherein you agree to pay a premium and the company agrees to pay your losses as defined in your policy.
More importantly, auto insurance is required by law in most states, so you’ll probably need to purchase a policy whether you like it or not.
Finding the Right Auto Insurance
When you’re comparing policies, be sure to pay attention to the following:
• The types of coverage offered
• The deductible (the amount you have to pay out-of-pocket before your insurance company kicks in)
• The premium (the price you pay for the policy)
• The limits (the maximum amount the policy will pay out)
You’ll also want to make sure you understand the difference between full coverage and liability-only insurance. Full coverage typically includes collision and comprehensive coverage, while liability-only insurance will only pay for damage you cause to someone else.
Saving Money
The good news is you may be able to get a discount on your auto insurance premium if you:
• Have a clean driving record
• Insure multiple cars with the same company
• Insure your home with the same company
• Have a car with certain safety features
Your Auto Insurance Plan
There are other ways to save money on your auto insurance policy, and we can help you shop for the best prices on the coverage you need. To learn more about how we can save you money, give us a call at the number above.